
Monday, June 16, 2014

Busy Bee

Have you missed me yet?

I sure hope not. I'm trying really hard to get back into a posting and recording schedule again. I think my inner mojo is telling me I need to share the things I have going on in my life and my crafty thoughts. If I give myself the chance to share again like I used to I would be crafting more. 

So for this week I am currently finishing up the awesome foam board shelves I built for my inks and making sure they all have their labels and I have them indexed. Here's a sneak peek and what I built.

Mind you I still have all my Close to My Heart inks, but I think I might leave them in my spinning rack. I'm so excited that I pretty much have a stamping spot with all of the needed colors right in front of me. 

As for the labels and index of colors, I am going to make tags and stamp for cardstock, ink pad and attach any forms of ribbons I may have for that color. 

I really do think I spend more time organizing than crafting but I am, I promise getting back into my crafting. Only thing is I leave for vacation this week. 

Just thought I would share a little post with you as to what I've been up to. Let me know if there is anything special you would like to see before I do my new revamped room tour and what up coming projects you may like to see. Break out of the norm, don't be a follower be a leader. It always starts with one.

Have a blessed day.

The Determined Scrapper

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