
Sunday, June 29, 2014


Hello everyone!

My beautiful lilies out front.
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend so far. I've been doing some thinking lately. I think I have come up with a plan.

I really would like to get back into doing videos on a more regular basis. So I'm working on a room tour, since I have changed my room around...again. Also I have decided that when doing my videos I'm not going to be so concerned about the editing as much. I really am more about sharing my ideas and learning from others. For some that will be bothersome and for others they will find it to be a nice release from the - oh I have to have this and I have to have that in order to make videos.

No, we don't have to have the top of the line products or the top of the line best of everything. We should just enjoy the life we have and the talents we have been given. Share them with others and expect nothing in return.

(side note)
Going on vacation has helped me see a lot of things, things that I have known but just really pushed to the back of my mind. The city that I live in, people are so lazy and only care about themselves. They don't ever do for others because they want to know first what they are going to get in return. People of my community don't care about our planet and the lack of crap they are doing to it. I am not saying all, but I am saying the majority. 
(Rant Over)

I say this just because I really do enjoy sharing what I have learned. If it helps someone find their mojo or expand on an idea then I have done a little bit of good for the day. I was thinking of doing a series of videos and titling it "Find my Mojo Mondays" or something of that nature.

As many of you know I suffer from chronic pain and have yet to be diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. This is where the problem comes in. I want to do these things and I hate to promise anything to anyone. But I would like to know if anyone would be interested in watching? Hopefully that would give me the little extra help on days when I'm not feeling too well.

I also would like to review some products. I am NOT a professional and have never claimed to be one. Sharing our thoughts and feelings on products though is a great way to help someone decide if they are willing or able to spend the money on a tool for their craft room.

Wow, I've done a lot of talking today. On the sewing front, I have a table runner and my large quilt to work on. I also will be starting mine and my Besties M.S. T-Shirt quilts. We have walked in the Multiple Sclerosis walk every year since she was diagnosed and attended many functions where we were able to obtain a large amount of shirts. Instead of not being able to wear them anymore due to the size I will make a quilt for each of us. I will record the process and some other things and add those to my list of videos.

So what do ya say? Ready to see me get back to work and making videos again?

Yeah, me too.

Can't wait to see you soon. If you have an idea or question about a product you've been considering let me know and if I have the product I will be happy to spotlight it in a videos.

Many Blessings
The Determined Scrapper 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday #264

Or as we call it WOYWW
Make sure to stop over to Julia's and see what the worlds craft desk have been busy creating.

This has been an amazing week!!!

Even though I have not gotten any crafting done in the physical sense, I have made memories to last a lifetime. This past week my daughter and I got in the Jeep and just drove. We left about 7am last Thursday and ended up in Mandeville, LA. around 11:30pm. It was a long but beautiful trip. I was able to go through parts of our country I had not yet been too. I'll do a separate post regarding our trip within the next couple days. 

I was able to get a little scrappy shopping done while we were there. I stopped at the Tuesday Morning that was in town and grabbed a couple things.

As for scrappy shopping, once we made our way to Rogers, AR., my favorite scrapbook store is no longer a scrapbook store. They are now concentrating on other things and all scrapbooking supplies were 75% off. So I made sure to grab a couple of things while I was there. Very sad to see that I can't even go to visit my brothers and make a trip to a local scrapbooking store. 

The Happy Campers and washi tape was from Tuesday Morning the the rest was from Signed Sealed Delivered. The blue pages are template material that I can't wait to play with. The binders at the top are just 6x6 albums that can be stamped on and played with.

 Vacations are wonderful but to get back and sleep in your own bed and shower in your own shower are amazing.

I can't wait to get crafting now that I am back home and have a nice clean space to work in.

Mindy - The Determined Scrapper

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

WOYWW #263

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday #263

Some weeks I think, wow, it's taken forever for Wednesday to arrive and other weeks.... It is here again and I don't even realize the rest of the week has happened. That was this week.

Where's what my main desk looked like right before I started my post. A little bit of a mess. But there is usually fun where there are messes in craft rooms.

I have been a busy bee this week. I have even posted on my blog a couple of times and I still have more to share.

As I ready to leave on a road trip to wherever my little heart desires (with my teenage daughter) I am finding my heart a little more at ease than normal.

So last night when visiting my parents I noticed a bag of crayons, of course I had to ask what they were going to do with them and they were going to throw them away or give them to a shelter. Now normally I would not want to take away from others but some of these crayons were from when I was younger, so I thought it was time that I re-purposed them for my craft room. 

I just loved doing this and can't wait to do another. 

I also received my new storage container for my washi tape. And after sorting through them, honestly I thought I had more. But that is ok, that just means there is room for more. 

And one more exciting thing came in the mail this week. Too bad I can't use them just yet...

I am still waiting for my machine which was in the world release on HSN. What was pretty awesome was the total was less on the world release and I will come home to a surprise. It should be delivered while I'm away. Too bad hubby doesn't care to play with it.

And one other item I can't wait to come home and play with is my new Quilting template. My best friend and I have decided we are going to make some T-Shirt quilts with our collection of MS shirts from over the years. She was diagnosed 12 years ago with MS and together I will fight every step of the way with her. 

Ok, so for this week's WOYWW post I think I have shared a lot and made a rather long post. Sorry lots going on here. I still have more but don't want to bore you. If you don't know what this WOYWW is all about make sure to stop over to Julia's blog Stamping Ground to find out. 

Join in this week or next. Just make sure to join in it is a blast to travel the world right from your desk.

Have a blessed week and until next time.

The Determined Scrapper

Monday, June 16, 2014

Busy Bee

Have you missed me yet?

I sure hope not. I'm trying really hard to get back into a posting and recording schedule again. I think my inner mojo is telling me I need to share the things I have going on in my life and my crafty thoughts. If I give myself the chance to share again like I used to I would be crafting more. 

So for this week I am currently finishing up the awesome foam board shelves I built for my inks and making sure they all have their labels and I have them indexed. Here's a sneak peek and what I built.

Mind you I still have all my Close to My Heart inks, but I think I might leave them in my spinning rack. I'm so excited that I pretty much have a stamping spot with all of the needed colors right in front of me. 

As for the labels and index of colors, I am going to make tags and stamp for cardstock, ink pad and attach any forms of ribbons I may have for that color. 

I really do think I spend more time organizing than crafting but I am, I promise getting back into my crafting. Only thing is I leave for vacation this week. 

Just thought I would share a little post with you as to what I've been up to. Let me know if there is anything special you would like to see before I do my new revamped room tour and what up coming projects you may like to see. Break out of the norm, don't be a follower be a leader. It always starts with one.

Have a blessed day.

The Determined Scrapper

Friday, June 13, 2014

WOYWW #261..... Ok Friday but who's going to yell.

Ok so I'm a couple days late.... AGAIN. But I really do have a good excuse this time. I was taking pictures and was going to post on Wednesday but like normal the day had gotten away from me.

Here goes What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday #261, Friday edition. If you don't know what I am talking about make sure to stop over to Julia's Stamping Ground to check it out. There are wondrous desk around the world that await you. 

This week in the world of The Determined Scrapper a lot of semi-crafting has been happening. I have not been able to locate a storage system that I really like for my inks so I decided to create one from foam board. In addition to that I have completely changed around my craft room. 

So as for the ink storage, I'm still working on this and I will post more about it in the coming days(weeks) depending on how long it takes me to complete. 

I have a sizable area that I am trying to use and I want to make as many cubbies as possible for one unit. I'm planning on having a couple drawers and an area for pens and markers. I may have to enlist the help of my hubby for this one. 

As for the room change. That all steamed from my hubby not wanting to move my wall mount for my TV, so I had to move my entire room around to accommodate the new shelves I had purchased at Ikea. I only have one wall that doesn't have a window or door on it and it turns out I LOVE the new set up. Once I get things cleaned up a little more I will be posting a room tour. As for right now here is a pic of a couple of the shelves holding my kids art from when they were little and mementos of family that has passed on.

So until the next time, have a wonderful week and keep on crafting.

The Determined Scrapper

Monday, June 2, 2014

Mojo is Peeking

Hello everyone!!! Hope you are having a wonderful Monday and that continues through your week. I know it's a little strange I'm actually blogging on a Monday. Can you believe it? Yeah, me either. 

So this past Friday I attended my monthly CTMH club and when I was there I started to feel a little something. At first I wasn't sure what it was and then it started to grow stronger. When I came home I was still feeling the same way. I was thinking it was a familiar feeling but one that I have not had in a long time. By the next morning I had awakened to complete my club project with a couple of changes. And started to think to myself.... I'VE FOUND IT! MY MOJO IS PEEKING OUT! I was so excited.

Mind you I haven't completed a club project in about a year and I have them all sitting here waiting to be done. I hopefully will get to them slowly as my TOS on the right side of my body has been flaring for the past month.

Enough with that, lets see what I was working on shall we. 

And then today I wake up get a couple of things done around the house, while I'm not feeling so well and ending up laying down around 12:30pm for a nap. Well my nap ending up being 5 hours long... Guess I really was feeling worse than I thought.

I try to do a little here and a little there because I really do miss crafting, blogging, and making YouTube videos. But my body will only let me do so much. I have to learn to strike an equal medium without overdoing it. I still haven't mastered that. 

I also wanted to thank Tonia for always being there and encouraging me through it all.

Well that is all for right now, I hope you have a wonderful week. Or at least until I speak to you next. Tomorrow is a trip to Ikea to grab a couple of things with my daughter. Hopefully I will come back with a fun story or two.

The Determined Scrapper