
Thursday, June 28, 2012

I received an AWARD

I received an AWARD 

Danielle, from EcoScrapbook recently gave me the Liebster Blog Award (OMG,thank you, Danielle!) and now it's my turn to share some blog love'in. 

If this award is new to you, it's basically a way to grow our crafting community and let others know about smaller bloggers with less than 200 followers. So here are the crafters I came up with, out of the hundreds I follow....

Susi - SillyShySushi -  Susi is AWESOME! I met her a couple of years ago, by chance on The Scrap Beach. For those of you that know that I am talking about there is a community site called the Scrap Beach. Anyhow. She was not certain how to do something on Blogger, I had made a comment and from there we have become pretty good friends. I would like to say hello and that I can not believe how far we have both come from that point.

Vanessa(Nessy) -  Nessy's Notes - I met Nessy online through her blog. I believe she was the first person to ever make a comment on my blog as  her's was one of the very first I started to follow. She has been a great source of inspiration and she is always there for a pick me up when I am down. Thank you for befriending me along the way. 

Ginny - Bearcub's Scrap Room - Its funny the things you remember and the things that go by the way side. Ginny and I met on her blog. She was planning a project for her son that involved getting crafty friends from all of the 50 states to help. I offered to help from here in Ohio and our friendship bloomed from there. We keep in touch regularly and I am blessed to have met so many wonderful people.

Sian - One and Only Design - I have recently started to follow Sian. Her designs are wonderful and I just happened to come across her work on WOYWW. The biggest thing that has me in awe right now is the dress form that she made. Make sure to check out her stuff. 

Rita - RMG Creations - Give her a container and she will turn it into something. I have been following Rita for a little bit now and have come to realize that she likes to alter or upcycle containers. What a fabulous way to keep recycling crafty. She too is another WOYWWer. 

If you are not you definitely should follow along with What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday's WOYWW

If you chose to accept the award, the rules are as follows:

1. Thank the person who gave the award.
2. Link back to their blog.
3. Post the award onto your own blog.
4. Choose 5 new recipients with fewer than 200 followers.
5. Let each of them know about the award.

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