
Monday, November 28, 2011


Its about time I get with the program..... I finally have a PO Box for everyone....

The Determined Scrapper
Mindy Adams
PO Box 13049
Toledo, Ohio 43613-3049

Now I don't have to be so worried about giving my address. I will be updating blog soon with current events, upcoming classes, where you can find me and much more. 

This week alone I have 4 shows, 1 cookie exchange and 3 doctor appointments. Whew.....I'm tired just thinking about them. 

Hope to hear from you all soon. 

The Determined Scrapper


  1. Guess what I found in my starred items in Google Reader?! lol how far we've come since you were just a "blog" I read. Love you!!!! :)

  2. LOL - I can't believe of all of my blog post you starred this one.

    That's ok, if you hadn't we wouldn't be where we are today.

    Love you buddy!

  3. well, I needed to have your address! Duh! :)


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