
Saturday, March 14, 2009

What I have been up to today

So, today I have decided to get back on with my life. I greatly miss my Uncle Doug, but really need to get back to doing the things.

I put away the rest of my things that I took with me last weekend, and I bought a couple of new storage things. (I have a bad habit of saying so. I always what to start a sentence with the word so.) Anyhow, Here are a couple of pics of the cleaned up craft area.
And then after I had finished all of that I made a new card.

I will be posting a couple of pictures of my night last weekend, and show you what I did get done while I was there


  1. wow ~what a clean and fantastic craft room!!
    gorgeous card!
    vanessa xx

  2. WOW! What a great craft room!! Such a gorgeous card too!! TFS! :)

  3. Nice scrap room Mindy, real nice! I have that table in my little dining room!


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