
Sunday, March 8, 2009

This is getting out of control

First, let me start off by saying I am sorry to bring you down. I have been waiting and waiting for March Madness and my trip to Archbold, so I could enjoy a vacation from my life.

Well, my life just could not leave me behind. Yesterday, as I was in my groove, I had finished a page of my dad's side of my family. At the same time I was not answering a phone call that had come in. Upon returning the call, I was told that my 40 year old uncle had just passed away. I understand that this is a part of life, and that it happens when you least expect it, but that does not make it any easier. Please keep my family in your prayers.

In the past couple of weeks, I have known of 4 other deaths, plus I will be attending 2 services this week. I am not really sure how to process this.

So need less to say, I did not reach my goal of 26 pages, but I did complete 9 pages and 1 card. Once I get my thoughts back in order, I will get back on that horse and work my way through things.

Rest In Peace
for you are with our Father
Douglas Laney

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