
Monday, September 20, 2010

Craft Show

I had the most unbelievable time yesterday at my first craft show. Prior to going I didn't think I had enough to sell, to come close to making any type of profit, but then I thought about it. I craft for the fun of it. This is my gateway out of reality. This is my sanctuary. I love to craft, to scrapbook and just play with paper and glue. Oh and I can't forget my Cricut.

Now as for the WONDERFUL people that I met. Oh my goodness. I met some of the most fabulous people. All the people that had displays were out of this world. I was placed by some very talented individuals. The lady across from me had great items. I told her that her kitchen helpers were freaking me out though. They were staring at me the whole time. =) The couple on the other side of me had awesome bags. Some of them were made out of plastic grocery store bags that she wove together somehow. They were sweeeeeeeet.

To get on the the totally, completely, awesome, after my own heart women...... First while I was setting up, over stopped Marla Jejvara. Marla makes hand crafted paper gifts and sentiments, custom invitations and party favors. At this time she does not have a website or a blog but she does have an email. Her crafts are beautiful. Then while we were talking along came Danielle Hunter. One word - AWESOME - I think I have just found someone to tack on to my new best buds list. Danielle is a Memory Works Consultant, which if you have not heard of this... OMG just let me say YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Or shall I say your husbands have been warned, it did not come from me though. is the main site, but please be sure to check out Danielle's site Danielle is also a very creative blogger, active twitterer, and unbelievable scrapbooker. Please check her out at
Really you have to go and check her out. Danielle, you and I will definitely be talking a lot more.
And one more wonderful lady I would like tell you about is Rachel Bayes. Rachel is a Close to my Heart Consultant, with an unbelievable knack for talking to people and pulling you in with her bubbly attitude. Rachel is a newer consultant, when I say newer, I mean she just received her 1 year anniversary celebration but has yet to have an actual party. I would love to help her out in this area, but with me quiting my job, it might be a little hard for me to do at this time. I will however do my best. So I really want you to check out her site
Holy Toledo. I think this just might be one of my longest post. I really wanted to share what a great time I had yesterday. I have now signed up for 3 more craft shows through the end of this year. I know now what I will make more of and can not wait to be one of those ladies that sit at the craft shows all the time. I think I have finally found what it was that I searching for all of these years. The thing I find a true joy and happiness in. Getting lost in crafting and making things for other people to talk about. It was a blast and I can't wait to do it again. Oh and of course I forgot to charge my batteries so after I took the pictures of my set up, (which don't work I talked with a couple of people and they gave me a lot of really good suggestions about changes) I did not get a chance to take pictures of anyone elses stuff. I really wish I would have done that so I could have shown you. But hopefully they will also be at the next craft shows.
Thank you all for being along my side in this journey, crafters are definitely in a world of their own and have such a great common bond that it makes us united at the heart.
May God bless us all to find that happy joyful place. Please go and check all of these ladies out and if you have any questions let me know.
Mindy - The Determined Scrapper

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Update and Craft Fair Items

Hello there!!!!!!

Thanks to those that have been checking on me. Yes, things have not been well around here, but hopefully they are on the mend. I will be leaving my office position of 8 1/2 years in the next couple of weeks, so that should give me a little more time to do some of the things that I truly enjoy.
This post is just to give you a little bit of an update, I know I have not post in some time and I will try to get better at posting more often. This Sunday I will be attending my first craft fair. But at the rate I am going I really do not have that much to sell. Hopefully I will be able to get more stuff made by the end of the week. I was hoping to have more done by now, but over the past couple of months, I have either been terribly sick, too depressed, or dealing with life.

Here are a couple of photos of some of the things that I do have done and some of the pictures that I took today.

See you soon. Blessings

Well hopefully things go well and I am able to get more done. I will post more as I am able. I will also post after the craft fair to let you know how that went.